Sunday, 31 July 2011


The Allen runs through our beautiful town. Chroniclers tell us this water gave the town its name - Wimborne, deriving from the Saxon wine stream, 'because the water is sweeter than all in the land'. It teams with wild life; Salmon, swimming upstream among the trout and grayling, Grey Crayfish, searching the chalk gravel bed, water voles, wild fowl and Otters playing on the surface. While from the loose-strife and tall aquatic plants along the ledges, the Dragonflies emerge in all their rainbow glory. One decided last week to pay us a call; the size of a man's hand, it flew in and stayed a while among the children's literature before visiting our younger readers window. It settled on one of the books, and for all we know was quite content, but the window is a hot place in the summer, and not the ideal environment for such a beast. Ed, came to the rescue and within minutes the creature was outside again and disappearing across the Minster Green heading back towards its natural habitat.

Ed, with Phil Jupitus