Saturday, 23 July 2011

Hero To Zero at the bookshop

Director, Matt Camlin and his crew, packed the store last Friday evening, shooting a seqence in the pilot for an exciting new TV series which I guess may be called Hero To Zero. We started around 4.30 and 'wrapped it' (is that the term?) by 9pm - so it was a kind of a long day for us, but great fun - the time just flew by.
The cast includes, Sophie Petzal, Georgina, Ashley Bernard Josh, Angus Fox Roy, and Cian Brennangavin of Only Men Aloud fame, who plays Zero. And that was surreal. 'Who's the guy in the Super Hero suit?' I asked, as Zero took up his position behind a booksigning desk, and one of the crew thought that he was maybe a singer. I don't know, but I think they may have been having me on.

Matt Camlin Director (left) with Chad DOP

Sophie Petzal, Angus Fox, and Ashley Bernard

Cian Brennan-Gavin

This was a very different book signing event ...

Between the scenes ... there's a lot of people tucked away in this shot. Can you spot them?

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